

Or as someone realized, there might be many extraterrestrial beings out there or we might be the sole life form in the entire universe and both options are scary.

Apparently, men and people with lower levels of income are more likely to believe in extraterrestrials.

Another strong predictor for believers is an extreme distrust of the government. Are Tea Party members and Trump fans also supporters of the idea that there’re extraterrestrials?

If they have visited, you’d think they would’ve figured out that visiting Stephen Hawking would be more productive than Billy Graham.

Humans probably wouldn’t survive an alien invasion. If alien lifeforms can get here, it’s clear who’ll have the upper hand. If we find them, maybe they’ll still be at the algae stage of their evolution or even simpler.

The universe is 13 billion years old, so there could’ve been plenty of civilizations that evolved and went extinct. Maybe we haven’t found extraterrestrials because they’re all dead.

Or as someone realized, there might be many extraterrestrial beings out there, or we might be the sole life form in the entire universe and either option is scary.