Ideas Uncategorized

The changing American psyche

It doesn’t seem like Trump is “making America Great Again.” More and more he seems to be encouraging and fostering an America that promotes the sentiments of this quote I saw somewhere, “African-Americans know what it feels like to be ignored by those in power. Thanks to Trump, the rest of America is getting a taste of that now.”



Here’re some interesting facts about roaches and termites I ran across.

About the length of a AA battery, the American cockroach is the largest common house cockroach.

It eats just about anything, including feces,  book binding glue, and other cockroaches, dead or alive.

It can live for a week without its head.

It has extraordinary healing capabilities, cut a leg off, and it’ll quickly regenerate a new one.

It can fly short distances and run as fast as the human equivalent of 210 miles per hour, relative to its size.

It’s genome is larger than ours.

And finally, termites evolved to cooperate through a sophisticated division of labor long before other insects like ants and bees did.



Apparently, men and people with lower levels of income are more likely to believe in extraterrestrials.

Another strong predictor for believers is an extreme distrust of the government. Are Tea Party members and Trump fans also supporters of the idea that there’re extraterrestrials?

If they have visited, you’d think they would’ve figured out that visiting Stephen Hawking would be more productive than Billy Graham.

Humans probably wouldn’t survive an alien invasion. If alien lifeforms can get here, it’s clear who’ll have the upper hand. If we find them, maybe they’ll still be at the algae stage of their evolution or even simpler.

The universe is 13 billion years old, so there could’ve been plenty of civilizations that evolved and went extinct. Maybe we haven’t found extraterrestrials because they’re all dead.

Or as someone realized, there might be many extraterrestrial beings out there, or we might be the sole life form in the entire universe and either option is scary.

Books Health Ideas Uncategorized

Cryptocurrency fever

Lately, people are getting caught up by the lure of big scores from cryptocurrencies.

I kinda have a broad brush understanding of them and that’s what most other people have too. Cryptocurrency has been described  as “everything you don’t understand about money combined with everything you don’t understand about computers.”

Unfortunately, most people don’t think about risks realistically.

For example, most people worry too much about the risk of dying from a wild animal encounter. They don’t really factor in the risk from animals we more commonly come into contact with.

The title of a NYT article framed the problem this way, “Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier.”

The article reports most deaths aren’t from encounters with wild animals.

Dogs, cattle and horses are much more dangerous.

The wild animals presenting the greatest danger are bees, wasps and hornets!

Cryptocurrencies have a risk most people don’t understand. But they sound very seductive when you hear about their growth

Don’t be surprised if you lose money after investing in something you don’t really understand and that you don’t think is as risky as it is.

Risking what you have (and need) for the chance of getting what you don’t need is a bad idea.



RIP Stephen Hawking



This is my 600th post!

Recently Seth Godin hit his 7,000th post. He claims, “The secret to writing a daily blog is to write every day. And to queue it up and blog it. There’s no other secret. Over time, the blog adds up.”

For years I posted at least twice a week. Over the past year or so my output dropped a bit. But little by little it does add up.