
The 300th post

This my 300th post! There’s nothing particularly important about 300, I just like the sound of it.

300th empty cooffee cupThis my 300th post! There’s nothing particularly important about 300, I just like the sound of it.

There’re bloggers with many more posts and lots of bloggers with many fewer posts. It’s not a contest, but  I’m still proud to have written 300 posts.

Usually the hardest part, as others have found too, is the sitting down to start writing part. Actually writing is easier and fun.

It’s handy, downloading ideas from my brain to the page, because it somehow frees up my mind for  other thoughts. Of course, writing in a public spot like a blog makes pieces of you available to anyone wanting to have a look. I never know whether people love what I have to say, hate it, or wind up feeling nothing. That’s okay because I can’t please everyone and the readers who like it are the ones I’m writing for anyway.

Thanks for reading.